AWSC / Trail Pass

529 Trail Side Dr, Ste 200
DeForest, WI 53532
(608) 846-5530
(800) 232-4108
Fax (608) 846-5534
After you receive your email from AWSC with your renewal, your discounted trail passes may be purchased below.
When joining as a new member or renewing your membership, an email will be sent to you from AWSC. The subject will be AWSC Membership Card. In the body of the message will be a link to your membership card. You can then print your card and find your AWSC number. That same number is also on the white mailing box of the front page of the Wisconsin Snowmobile News which comes with your membership. Once a member, the club will send out e-mail blasts as occasions arise. Your AWSC # should automatically be on that e-mail blast also.
Once your submit your renewal or new membership your request will be processed. Memberships are processed once a week on either a Tuesday or Wednesday. Once the memberships are processed, AWSC will send you your updated card in 2-5 days.
If you have renewed or submitted a new membership and have not heard from AWSC please email [email protected] or call Christa at 715-931-7032.